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How To Boost Fertility Naturally In Men

How To Boost Fertility Naturally In Men

  • October 7, 2024

“Practicing yoga and avoiding excessive alcohol, smoking and tobacco consumption, can boost fertility in men. Food with warm, flatulent and high nutritional properties like zinc and folate is helpful. Daily essentials are carrots, beans, turnips and chickpeas. Ashwagandha for 90 days boosts fertility by 167%”

Infertility is traditionally known as an unfavorable situation, where longtime couples are unable to conceive naturally. Performing sexual intercourse for more than a year without achieving pregnancy. There may be several reasons like age, genetically carried diseases, blocked-fallopian tubes, poor semen quality, etc. Either male or female can be the reason for infertility, in some cases, both are equally responsible. In this informative article, we will be focusing on the key reasons for male infertility and probable ways to restore it naturally.

To achieve a successful pregnancy, the below-mentioned process is followed

  • Voluntarily releasing of eggs on time from ovaries of a woman
  • A collision between sperms and eggs to fertilize
  • The eggs must travel via the fallopian tubes to the uterus in the form of Embryo
  • The mature eggs or embryo should implant itself on the inner lining of the uterus

Incompletion of any of these steps leads to infertility and produces a requirement for IVF treatment. Absenteeism of intimate intercourse for a prolonged period may decrease the consistent quality of viable sperms. It also reduces the possible chances of reproduction. Sperms reach to the fallopian tubes through the vagina precisely in a minute,  regardless of any position or lubricant usage. In fact, many false lubricants, olive oils or saliva may limit the movement of sperms, hence, couples must avoid using such lubricants. While mineral oil or canola oil causes no such effect during the intercourse.

Apparently, males can experience below-mentioned causes of infertility;

  • Problem with genitals or Testicles
  • Hypospadias
  • Ejaculation Problem
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Infertility history

As per research 5 percent -7 percent of the male population in industrialized countries are facing infertility, estimating to a gradual increase in male infertility in the future. As per idiopathic infertility, about 50 percent of cases remain unidentified even after the progressive research on human reproductive physiology. Maximum idiopathic cases are originated from genetic reasons. This is because over one thousand of functional genes are naturally involved in spermatogenesis as determined. Genetics naturally influences a variety of physiological processes. These can affect spermatogenesis, sperm quality, and hormonal homeostasis. Therefore, to manage an infertile couple, one must know the pattern of genes to find the failure reason.

In this article, we will look at the few causes and remedies to boost fertility in men:

  • What are the causes of male infertility?
  • What kind of food will boost fertility in men?
  • How to increase fertility in men?
  • What are the fruits and vegetable to improve fertility?
  • Is Yoga helpful in boosting fertility in men?

1- 7 Determined Causes Of Male Infertility

There may be several reasons for male infertility out which these are the most common and authenticate reasons on which researchers have already completed their research or many studies are still under process in various places of the world.

  1. Necessary balance of Spermatogonial Stem Cell Populations
  2. Effects of environment and Lifestyle on Men’s infertility
  3. Advancing age
  4. Imbalanced Hormones
  5. Sperm concentration
  6. Overweight and underweight
  7. Consuming Excessive Alcohol, Smoking, and Use of Drugs

1. Necessary balance of Spermatogonial Stem Cell Populations –The cells should be in critical balance to be distributed as stem cells and sperms. It is essential to maintain SSCs (spermatogonial stem cells) for sustaining potential fertility in men. Functionally, the disturbance in appropriate balance can influence fertility in men because of the constructive process of (self-clearing) becoming stem cells and (differentiation) viable sperms.
2. Effects of environment and Lifestyle on Men’s infertility– The prolonged effect of the unavoidable environment and lifestyle factors may naturally affect pairs aiming at getting pregnant. A mixture of specific chemicals like polychlorinated biphenyls in the surroundings and lifestyle factors as smoking, caffeine intake and modern usage of alcohol causes late reproduction. Research in America shows couples consuming cadmium and lead, which are commonly found in plastics, batteries and cigarette smoke, have delayed pregnancy in infertile partners in comparison to other pairs.
3. Imbalanced Hormones – Most of the time functions of the pituitary gland are disturbed by the pituitary tumors. To be assured these tumors are a benign tumor, non-cancerous ones. When these tumors are swelled inside, they start destroying the cells producing hormones.

  • Gonadotrophins –Controls the functions of the testes traveling via blood vessels to the Testicles. LH works on specialized cells in testes that stimulates the consistent release of male sex hormones called testosterone. Whereas, FSH acts on other specialized cells forming sperms. In puberty, testosterone is vital for developing muscles, growth, and development of the penis. It also sustains energy level and sex drive (libido) and erections. Lacking these key hormones are known as Hypogonadism. A standard level of normal sperm counts must be more than 20 million per ml. An insufficient number of these viable sperms can directly cause low fertilization in men. It is perceived that, If hypogonadism occurs at a premature age, then the growth in puberty is less.
  • Hypothalamus or Pituitary Glands –These specialized glands are located in the brain. They produce key hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin for balancing the testicular function. Any condition stimulating these hormones tend to produce more or less can lead to infertility. The Pituitary Gland Tumor disturbing the functions of the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland itself may cause a low blood testosterone level. The tumor also has the potential to produce the irregular shape of viable sperm or low count of sperms.

4. Advancing age – A modern trend for obtaining parenthood at an older age is being followed in recent years. The fertility rate in the age group of 30s in men has increased to 21 percent, whereas in the 40s an incline of 30 percent is observed. It has also seen in the contradiction, that 15 percent of the fertility rate has been decreased in men below 30s. Mature age in men is reasonably considered as the second most significant aspect causing infertility. This is because increasing age is considerably related to more medical problems. Elderly men usually experience a decrease in semen quality and an increase of fragmentation in sperm DNA. The advanced age of a man may increase congenital defects and chromosomal abnormalities. There is a risk of having diabetes, BP, and other diseases in old age leading to infertility.
5. Sperm concentration – It is also reported that sperm concentration decreases as men age. It has also been observed that degenerative forms of germ cells have been growing despite normal semen production in aging men. It was observed that seminiferous tubules contained spermatic as below mentioned.

  • Age 20 – 30= 90percent
  • Age 40-50 =  50percent
  • Age >80    =  10percent

6. Overweight and underweight –The scenario in both cases is unhealthy. It may increase the causes of infertility in men or can take longer to impregnate their partner. Weight affects the hormones generated in the body. It also increases cholesterol and decreases stamina to sustain good health. Overweight or underweight both can decrease the quality of sperms in men and may cause erection problems. Obesity reduces libido (sex drive) in men. In case hormones are naturally affected by childhood obesity, then these early hormonal levels can impact fertility later in reproductive life.

One can check their healthy weight by calculating BMI.

  • Healthy weight -is between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Underweight – is <18.5 is BMI.
  • Overweight -is between 25 and 29.9
  • Obese -is considered over 30 BMI

7. Consuming Excessive Alcohol, Smoking, and Use of Drugs – The most successful way to avoid fertility disorder is “prevention” for men and women. Alcohol is often accepted as an essential part of social culture, but it was reported in research that consumption of alcohol produces negative effects on Gonadal Function. While there is no such evidence showing any dangerous effects of consuming little alcohol on health. However, the prohibition of alcohol intake, tobacco smoking and addiction to recreational drugs may provide the best course of action for a couple to attain pregnancy. An independent study was performed on a small group of couples divided as “daily drinkers” and “occasional drinkers”. It was observed that the hormonal characteristics and quality of semen of daily drinkers, was worse than those of other groups. Consumption of more than 20 units of alcohol per week has shown a delay in attaining pregnancy but fertility damage has not been clarified yet. Smoking cocaine and marijuana have shown negative effects on male fertility as well. It influences the Hypothalamus, Pituitary-Gonadal Glands, and Spermatogenesis. Consuming these drugs on a daily basis can also increase behavioral issues like stress inducing testicular cell apoptosis (cell death).

 Types of Food to Enhance Semen Quality

The intake of healthy food promotes at least one measure of semen quality. Whereas, diets high in soy isoflavones, lipophilic foods, and sweets may decrease the same. It must be noted that the consumption of a good quality diet and exposure to essential daily nutrients must be highlighted in an infertile man’s diet. Recently, men of reproductive age have been influenced by the spread of unhealthy eating behaviors. These behaviors are adversely affecting the dietary patterns, such as high consumptions of saturated fatty acids, sodium, and trans fats. Nutrition and diet are essential factors in boosting overall health and stamina to reproduce. Some food may create havoc to sperm quality and quantity. What one is eating must consider several factors in terms of nutrition stated by several health organizations. It is believed by Iranian doctors that patients must be cured first with food and then with medicines unless it is strictly required. It is also said that food is absorbed in the body much faster than the drugs. Even food helps in maintaining the temperature of the body and increasing normal sperm count over time. Whereas, drugs only help in curing the infection or disease. Man’s semen is warm, thick, and matured. Only the similar nature of food consumption can help in sustaining such factors. Essential foods for men must provide warmth, flatulent and high nutrition properties. There is some food like carrots, beans, turnips, and chickpeas, which holds all three properties. Adding, these in daily meals can benefit from aiding infertility.  For good semen fluid, one must maintain sufficient amount of water in the body. It will also keep them hydrated for a longer period supporting infertility treatments.

  • Soy food and isoflavone – It has been observed in semen analyses that there is an inverse relation in consumption of soya and sperm count.
  • Processed Meats – Recently, processed meat has been associated with illness and reduced sperm count. Processed meats include bacon, ham, sausage, and meat sauces, etc. However, no such relation with chicken has been found to date.
  • Trans Fats – Partially hydrogenated oils known as artificial Trans Fats can increase cholesterol and the risk of type 2 diabetes. These trans fats may directly affect the hormones leading to infertility in men.
  • High-Fat Dairy Products – It has been noticed that having heavy fat dairy products can reduce the motility and result into irregular shape of sperms.

Healthy Food to Increase Fertility in Men

There are certain other healthy foods that can help in improving fertility in men.

  • Oysters with Pumpkin Seeds – The two seeds are very high in zinc, which may boost testosterone, sperm motility, and sperm count.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables – The vegetables like Spinach, collard greens, and kale are rich in Folate. Hence, it may help produce healthy and strong sperm.
  • Dark Chocolate – Dark chocolate includes amino acid and arginine, which can improve sperm count and its quality.
  • Pomegranate – It contains antioxidants improving sperm quality and testosterone levels.
  • Fenugreek – It is observed since long that fenugreek treatment can help in increasing sperm count.
  • Vitamin D And Calcium – Food enriched with Vitamin D and calcium improve sperm count over time.
  • Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) – In the history of Indian male infertility, Ashwagandha was the first choice of ancient medical treatments. Today, after research it has shown favorably a 167 percent increase in sperm count. The research process took 90 days, before coming out with a conclusion. Here, the men were asked to consume Ashwagandha on a regular basis for the given time period.
  • Antioxidant-Rich Foods – Intake of antioxidants reduces the free unwanted radicals and damaged cells from the body detoxifying it. However, detoxification improves the quality of semen and sperm health. Everything that impacts the hormones or controls the production of sperm or acts as an anti-oxidant may improve the healthy growth of sperm and help in increasing their count.

What are the fruits and vegetable to improve fertility?

  • Whole Wheat And Grains
  • Bananas
  • Walnuts
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Most Fish
  • Most Shellfish
  • Oysters
  • Garlic
  • Broccoli
  • Ginseng
  • Asparagus
  • Turmeric
  • Salmon

Yoga to Boost Male Hormones

It is observed in many studies that performing yoga on a regular basis along with the intake of nutritional food can benefit the body. It helps overweight individuals to improve their sperm count and balance several hormones. Yoga also illuminates the chakras. The whole process brings clarity in mind, relieves anxiety and stress. Stress can remain a substantial cause of hormonal changes affecting the count of sperm and their formation. Performing yoga and completing 8 hours of sleep may improve seminal quality and healthy lifestyle. Regular practicing of yoga has the potential to improve the overall functioning of internal organs and sex life.

Some benefits of practicing yoga are enlisted below

  • Prostate – Yoga practicing also proves to be excellent for prostate health. It helps in avoiding prostate disorders and reducing its size.
  • Adolescents – To nurture extraordinary skills in children, they must start practicing yoga at an early age. In fact, many asanas were developed for them only. Yoga helps in developing strength, grace, endurance, and balance in their bodies. In the growth phase, it is effective in releasing the tension in muscles and ligaments. It also prevents hormone imbalance that can cause infertility later in life.
  • Healthy sexual intercourse – Different postures in yoga tones the body and balances the sex glands producing energy. During sexual maturing, it assists in eliminating mood swings and body aching.
  • Moola banda – Sex therapists suggest practicing moola banda asana, which enhances the arousal of genitals sensation and sensual desires. It also flexes the muscles of the pelvic floor by balancing and rejuvenating the area through stretching techniques.

The rates of infertility in less industrialized countries are considerably higher. It is due to abundant infectious diseases in their environment, which are liable for a higher proportion of unproductiveness. A sperm count lesser than 10 million per ml is considered as irregular and commonly connected with male infertility. Hence, the semen analysis (sperm count test)  prevails as the only most useful and significant examination. The sperm count test exactly recognizes about 89.6 percent problems known to be a reason for infertility in man. It enables to identify 9 out of 10 men with a definite problem of male infertility. It is a simple test that evaluates the structure and maturity of sperm and how the sperm interacts in the seminal fluid.

The efficient journey of spermatozoa (motile sperm cell) through the cervical mucus is dependent on rapid growing motility, that is, spermatozoa must have a forward progression of at least 25 μm/s. However, poor movement is a predictor of failure in fertilization. Natural food improves sperm count and motility, although supplements are considered as a secure way to intake directly like minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants to improve sperm count at a fast pace. However, the body does not always easily absorb these supplements.


The content provided in this blog regarding surrogacy and fertility treatments is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal or medical guidance. Laws and regulations related to fertility and surrogacy can differ significantly by region and may evolve. We advise consulting with experienced legal and medical professionals to receive tailored advice suited to your circumstances. ShineFertility disclaims any liability for actions taken based on the information presented in this blog.

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