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Successful IVF Implantation: Signs, Symptoms, Confirmation Tips, and How to Improve Your Chances

Successful IVF Implantation: Signs, Symptoms, Confirmation Tips, and How to Improve Your Chances

  • November 23, 2024

“Implantation is the attachment of an embryo to the lining of the uterus to start growing. Cramps, implantation spotting, bloating, mood swings and cervical mucus are the symptoms. A pregnancy test can be done to confirm it and eating fiber rich food, avoiding stress and alcohol can improve it.”

When a woman is trying to get pregnant, she may be aware of all the possible signs that indicate the good news. However, success can come quite sneakily, as the symptoms of successful implantation (hints of early pregnancy) could be easily overlooked.

 1. What is Implantation?

The first step of pregnancy takes place when a sperm fertilizes an egg in the fallopian tubes. Then, the cells divide, increasing in number. After that, the fertilized egg goes to the uterus, where it grows until it is matured enough and becomes a blastocyst.

The blastocyst then burrows and embeds itself into the uterine tissue, which is known as implantation. In fact, implantation happens quite close to when a woman gets her periods normally. So it is easy to confuse the symptoms of successful implantation with regular pre-menstrual signs. Implantation is an entirely natural process that happens a week after ovulation and is an early stage of pregnancy. One-third of women experience implantation spotting but is mistaken for menstruation as it happens at the same time of the cycle. Usually, implantation takes place around nine days after ovulation and so does the implantation spotting, but sometimes it can occur as early as seven days or as late as 12 days. So, if ovulation takes place on the 14th day after a period, implantation can occur on the 23rd day.

2. What are the common signs and symptoms of successful implantation?

Generally, the symptoms of successful implantation are as follows:

  • Cramps: While the blastocyst implants itself, a woman may sense some cramps or discomfort. Cramping happens as the blastocyst digs into the uterine wall. Unlike pre-period cramps, these cramps are milder and last only a day or two at the most. These cramps occur along with or just before implantation spotting. If the cramping is severe and unbearable for a long time, it is advisable to consult the healthcare provider.
  • Implantation Spotting: implantation spotting, otherwise known as spotting, is another early sign of successful implantation. Implantation spotting happens when the embryo embeds into the uterine wall. Implantation spotting is brownish to pinkish, scanty and not as red and heavy as the period bleeding. Implantation spotting is not consistent and does not form clots. A woman may experience spotting around 10 to 14 days following conception.

Other Symptoms of Successful Implantation

The spotting and cramps are symptoms of not only successful implantation but also early signs of pregnancy. There are many other early symptoms of successful implantation to watch for. It is important to note that many of these symptoms can also be caused by hormonal changes or other conditions. Given below are some other early signs of successful implantation that a woman might experience:

  • Delayed period: A delayed or missed period is one of the most telltale signs of successful implantation.
  • Sensitive breasts: Soon after implantation, a woman’s body is subjected to many changes. Breasts undergo changes such as tenderness, swelling, and soreness. This happens due to the changing female hormone levels after conception. In some cases, sensitive breasts are visible during ovulation as well as a week after ovulation.
  • Swings: A woman may feel emotional compared to her normal self; it could be a sign of early pregnancy. These fluctuations in emotions occur due to hormonal adjustments.
  • Food Aversions: Pregnancy comes with increased sensitivity to certain tastes or smells, and is particularly strong when it comes to food choices.
  • Bloating: Although becoming bloated usually happens before the menstrual period, it could also be a sign of successful implantation caused by hormonal changes.
  • Increased basal body temperature (BBT): The basal body temperature (BBT) is high during implantation and can be a way to determine pregnancy. It is not necessary to track body temperature unless a woman is trying to get pregnant. The BBT rises at the time of ovulation due to increase progesterone hormone which remains elevated when implantation occurs.
  • Frequent urination: Within a week of implantation, a woman may feel a more frequent urge to urinate. Increased blood supply to the pelvic area puts pressure on the bladder. This pressure increases the urge to urinate.
  • Hot flashes: Hot flashes are less common signs of implantation and last for about 15 minutes at the time of implantation. During implantation, the hormone levels rapidly fluctuate causing hot flashes. Though it is an inconsistent sign, a woman may still consider it in association with the other symptoms.
  • Cervical mucus: An increase in the level of progesterone after implantation triggers the cervix to swell and increases the blood flow. Additionally, the glands enlarge and the hormones stimulate the glands to produce more cervical mucus. The mucus thus contains some blood, which is why cervical mucus after implantation looks brownish or pinkish.

While the above signs could determine successful implantation, one cannot be sure until they take a test. Moreover, remember that not every woman has these signs.

3. How to confirm if implantation is successful?

The only way to confirm if implantation is successful is through a pregnancy test (serum beta HCG/ urine). If there is any kind of spot, i.e., implantation spotting, wait for about three days and take a home pregnancy test. The latter one takes the test, the more are the chances of getting an accurate result as the HCG levels increase. Another way of confirming successful implantation is going for a sonogram to know if the embryo is attached to the uterine wall. After three to four weeks of implantation, one can see the fetus in the uterus on the sonogram.

A woman may be having signs of successful implantation but may end up with negative test results. This may be because of insufficient HCG hormone. In some cases, it may take up to ten days post-implantation to have enough HCG in the body to give positive results. Therefore, one should be optimistic and patient.

4. How to improve the chances of implantation?

Many women are unable to get successful implantation even after trying for months. Below are a few tips to improve the chances of implantation:

  • Eat fiber-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables. They help the body maintain a healthy progesterone level.
  • Try to include some fish such as salmon and mackerel, which are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. It prevents the uterus from contracting too hard which can cause pain and mal-positioning of the uterus.
  • Avoid stress can as much as possible. One can see the signs of stress in their cervical discharge, which, instead of increasing in volume, becomes patchy and interspersed.
  • Try to stay away from products, which contain Xenoestrogen, a chemical that contains estrogen-like properties. It is very harmful to the body and reduces the elasticity of the uterine wall.
  • Avoid alcohol because it can reduce the chances of implantation.
  • Try herbal remedies they can improve the overall health of the uterus by toning the muscles and reducing cramps.

All the given symptoms are possible signs of successful implantation. If you have waited until after your period was due and taken a pregnancy test that delivered a negative result, there is a good chance that you are not pregnant. Watching for implantation bleeding while trying to get pregnant is fine, but many women do not experience or notice implantation symptoms even when it does occur. If your pregnancy test result is positive, schedule an appointment with the doctor. The doctor can walk you through your options and discuss any concerns.

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