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16 Effective Tips from experts to Get Pregnant successfully

16 Effective Tips from experts to Get Pregnant successfully

  • October 8, 2024

“Experts have shared some tips to get pregnant such as get preconception checkup, do regular sex, stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight, limit your caffeine intake, keep a track on your menstrual cycle. Other effective tips to conceive are be stress free, maximize nutrition, and do not eat fish.”

If you have just started trying to conceive or trying for a while then you must keep certain things in mind. It is not solely about the food you eat but other things as well which will lead to a healthy pregnancy. Once you have decided to conceive, the last thing you would want to do is wait! There are many ways with which you can maximize the chances of conception.
Below is the list of tips from experts, which will help you in conceiving quickly. These are the foremost things which will help you greatly in getting pregnant.

1. Get Preconception Checkup done

A woman should get herself diagnosed for any underlying medical issues like diabetes, thyroid or any hormonal imbalance etc. If any medical condition is found then it should be managed and put under control before conceiving. Also, consult a doctor or gynecologist for prenatal vitamins, which contain folic acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D. It helps in protecting the baby against neural tube defects or any other birth defects.

2. Toss the Birth Control

It is very important to stop using any birth control measure before you plan to conceive. It is not simple to get rid of the contraceptives and attain pregnancy the next week. It is advised to

  • Leave the birth control (oral contraceptives) at least two months before you want to get pregnant
  • Get rid of IUD a month before, and
  • Let the last dose of injectable contraceptives wear off at least three months prior to the conception

It will allow the hormone levels to get back to their normal state. Thus, you can track your menstrual cycles and learn about ovulation.

3. Start practicing Unprotected and regular sex

If you are indulged into unprotected and regular sex for a year then there are good chances of conceiving. Having intercourse in every 2 to 3 days is considered ideal as prolonged abstinence or too much ejaculation has adverse effects on sperm quality as well as health.

To get more insights into the frequency of sex to get pregnant, read our article on how often you should have sex when trying to conceive.

4. Ditch the smoking

We all know and understand how smoking is bad for health and it might reduce fertility too. Even passive smoking has its own dreadful effects and can affect a woman’s chances of conceiving. While in men, it can result in poor sperm quality.

5. Maintain a healthy weight

If you want to shed down some pounds then do it before trying for a baby. Both under and overweight have a negative effect on fertility. But if you are losing weight very quickly while being on TTC (Trying to Conceive), then your body is not ready for conceiving. Talk to your healthcare provider to understand what the ideal weight is and what you need to do for achieving it.

6. Look after your body

Slow down and take care of your body if you are trying to get pregnant. Don’t get your body acquainted with intense and rigorous exercises as it floods it with adrenaline implying that the body is not in a good position to conceive. Being physically active before and during pregnancy has its own benefits even if you have maintained an ideal weight. The pregnancy and delivery will be easy if you are fit. The things to keep in mind include

  • Avoid overdoing your continuous regimen
  • Just before the delivery avoid rigorous training or lifting the massive weights
  • Consult your doctor and discuss the ideal physical activity that you should have every day.

7. Limit Caffeine Intake

Caffeine affects fertility and pregnancy has been a conflicting matter in these regards. Some of the studies show caffeine is the reason behind miscarriages while others claim it does not. And to be on the safer side, it is advised to minimize the intake of caffeine to 200 milligrams in a day. It is not only for coffee but also for chocolates, energy drinks, sodas as well as cold and pain medications, which have some amount of caffeine in it.

8. Track your menstrual cycle

It is important to know your cycle even it is advised to have regular sex throughout the month. It helps to determine when you are the most fertile in a month and when it is good to have sex. If you have irregular cycles then it is advised to take help from either ovulation predictor kits or through any ovulation tracker app for finding out when you are the most fertile.

9. Put that bottle opener down

It is found that there is no safe amount of liquor advised for a woman to take during pregnancy. Alcohol can harm the baby, especially if taken, in the early weeks even before realizing that you are expecting. Heavy drinking in men can reduce fertility.

10. Folic acid and a checkup

If you are trying to get pregnant then it is advised to take folic acid ideally before 3 months of trying. And during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, it reduces the risk of baby developing conditions like spina bifida. It is also advised to have pre-conception check with your doctor.

11. De-stress yourself

Getting prepared for pregnancy is very important. Couples, nowadays, have a busy life, thriving to climb the career ladder along with several other factors turning their lives hectic. Making or planning a baby can add stress to their life. Hence, stress management becomes the need of the time.

12. Maximizing the nutrition

To stay on a safe side, you can take multivitamins as well as mineral supplements designed especially for pregnancy or conception. You must look for something which must have folic acid which is helpful in preventing developmental of several congenital disorders in the baby.

13. Don’t take too long in taking this decision

A woman is most fertile during her twenties but due to career orientation, women are delaying pregnancy in recent times. Many of them hold the decision of starting the family till their thirties and forties.

14. Be updated with Shots

It is always good to stay updated with the vaccinations while planning to conceive. It will help in avoiding any type of illness, which can detriment the baby or pregnancy. The pregnant woman must take vaccinations for MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), flu vaccine, TDAP (Tetanus, diphtheria, and Pertussis) along with chickenpox in case if you never had it or vaccinated against it. Some of the vaccines have live viruses and one must get them within one to three months before trying to get pregnant.

15. Beware of Fish

It is recommended to avoid eating certain fish such as king mackerel, tilefish, swordfish, and shark. The reason behind this is that these fishes have high levels of mercury. Too much mercury intake can damage the baby’s brain development and the nervous system.

16. Last but not least, look for success stories

You must go through the success stories of conceiving. Apart from keeping you confident and positive about yourself, tips and techniques followed by others can improve the chances of conception. It may not stand true all the times but can be greatly helpful in some or the other way. You can decide which one to follow accordingly.
Be your own advocate, as nobody knows your body better than yourself. So, decide it with your partner when you can start conceiving. You can also consult the doctor who can map everything for you and will guide you on what to keep in mind while trying to get pregnant.

Hope this article helped with the tips if you are planning for a baby. Follow Shine Fertility blog to get regular updates on fertility health and treatments.


The content provided in this blog regarding surrogacy and fertility treatments is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as legal or medical guidance. Laws and regulations related to fertility and surrogacy can differ significantly by region and may evolve. We advise consulting with experienced legal and medical professionals to receive tailored advice suited to your circumstances. ShineFertility disclaims any liability for actions taken based on the information presented in this blog.

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